
Bosniaks Commemorate Omarska Prison Camp Victims

Bosniaks gathered on Thursday at the iron ore mining complex in Omarska to mark the anniversary of the day in August 1992 when the notorious detention camp was closed down.

Around 6,000 Bosniak and Croat men and women were detained at Omarska and some 700 of them were killed in the three months during which the camp operated at the beginning of the Bosnian war.

Terror Fears Leave Small Bosnian Town Subdued

On Wednesday evening, a young Bosnian Serb woman timidly walked into the Kozara cinema, the only cinema in the town of Prijedor in the north-west of Bosnia's Serb dominated entity, Republika Srpska.

"Are you open?" she asked the clerk. "I wondered whether I would find anyone here. I didn't dare leave the home for two days, not even to put my kid into kindergarten."
