Responsibility for the Holocaust

Comparing Genocide: Jews and the Ottoman Greeks

Cosmos Philly, a web-site with Greek-American news from Philadelphia, published a small but important analysis that sheds light to the Genocide of the Greeks of Asia Minor by the Ottoman Turks.

It compares it with the Jewish Genocide and it attempts to answer the question, why it is that so few know of the Genocide of the Greeks of Anatolia.

Netanyahu and the truth

"I can't stand him. He's a liar," then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy told U.S. President Barack Obama four years ago, in a conversation about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Obama replied: "You're fed up with him? I have to deal with him every day." It was a private conversation, but we know about it because it was accidentally broadcast to journalists.

Germany stresses Holocaust responsibility after Israel PM's claim

Germany on Oct. 21 stressed its inherent responsibility for  the Holocaust, after Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu stirred controversy by claiming that a Palestinian leader gave Hitler the idea of exterminating Jews.

Chancellor Angela Merkel, who hosted Netanyahu for talks Wednesday, stressed: "Germany abides by its responsibility for the Holocaust."  

Newly appointed minister D. Kammenos circulated doctored Auschwitz pic, 9/11 conspiracy theory

The appointment of ANEL (Independent Greeks party) MP Dimitris Kammenos as Deputy Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks by PM Alexis Tsipras has caused an uproar in the Greek political scene, which spread to social media, as the right-wing populist politician is associated with circulating anti-Semitic comments and conspiracy theories.

