
Gambling Laws in Florida: What to Lookout For?

In the United States, gambling regulations are regulated on a state-by-state basis and can vary significantly between jurisdictions. Today, we take a look at Florida & its attitude toward this popular pastime, as well as how other parts of the country compare to Florida in this regard.

Online Casino Laws in Florida

Bulgarian Authorities Expect Massive Growth Of Online Slot Games

The significant popularity of online slot games in Bulgaria is the convenience they can offer to their users. To experience a fantastic slot gaming session, you won't have to leave your home.

Undoubtedly, the authorities in Bulgaria expect massive game growth because more players in the country are looking forward to the latest slot games they can add to their list.

Allianz Risk Barometer 2022: Cyber Threats Overtake Covid-19 in Ranking for Biggest Global Business Risks

• According to the 11th Allianz study in 2022, the three biggest business risks worldwide are cyber threats, business disruption and natural disasters.

• The pandemic falls from second to fourth position as most companies feel prepared for future developments. Natural disasters and climate change rise significantly in the annual ranking with the increase of extreme weather events.

Tonin and Lenarčič address EU Civil Protection conference

Ljubljana/Brussels – Defence Minister Matej Tonin and Slovenia’s EU Crisis Management Commissioner Janez Lenarčič hosted on Tuesday a virtual event on knowledge exchange and dialogue in civil protection and disaster management at the EU level, which accompanied the launch of the Knowledge Network online platform.
