Seuthes III

Thracian Treasures Return to Bulgaria After Exhibition in Louvre

The Thracian treasures, which had been on exhibition at the Louvre museum since April, returned to Bulgaria late on Wednesday.

The return of the treasure was carried out under strict security measures, with its arrival at the airport and transportation to the National Historical Museum (NIM) being heavily guarded, private bTV station reports.

Bulgaria's Culture Ministry Inspects Collapse in Thracian Tomb

Bulgaria's Culture Minister Vezhdi Rashidov ordered an urgent inspection in the tomb of the Thracian King Seuthes III after a collapse had been reported by the municipality of Kazanlak.

According to local Press TV, the Golyamata Kosmatka Mound, which contains the tomb, collapsed with nearly a meter and 5 cubic metres of soil had been removed from its corridor.

France's Louvre to Exhibit Treasures of Thracian King Seuthes III

Thracian treasures possessions of King Seuthes III will be transported to the Louvre in Paris for an exposition entitled The Epic of the Thracian Kings, opening in April this year.

The most probable date for the transportation of the collection is set for March 23 and many of the artefacts will be travelling by plane, as reported by Pressa daily.