Sexual acts

Kosovo Survey Reflects Conservative Moral Values

The continuing dominance of conservative attitudes to sex and virginity appear to have been confirmed by a recent survey, Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women, produced by the Kosovo Agency of Statistics and UNICEF.

According to the survey, practically all unmarried women aged 15 to 24 are virgins, while no married woman aged 49 and under had ever changed sexual partner.

Alert! Do not masturbate in Indonesia!!! Weirdest Sex Laws! (pics)

The enactment of laws in organised societies is usually the last step of conventions and customs finally being accepted as a norm. But when it comes to laws pertaining to sexual activities and conventions one would be surprised as to what laws actually exist in other countries. Here are some of those ‘weird’ sexual laws that probably put a little strain on a our rational faculties…

Men masturbate for…science

Males masturbating to women they have seen before produce higher quality semen, research has found in the United States. The College of Wooster, Ohio conducted the study using 21 heterosexual males and some pornography material concluding that when men encounter ‘novel women’ they tend to ejaculate faster, while their semen is of better quality and more in volume. However, Dr.
