Social equality

George Tsunis: Greece and the U.S. should become a “beacon of opportunities”

At the conclusion of the 3rd Economic Conference of Naftemporiki, U.S. Ambassador to Greece, George Tsunis, delivered a touching and message-filled speech. He emphasized the principles of democracy, self-determination, and equal opportunities, expressing his desire for Greece and the U.S.

Ersin Tatar: Without common ground, no meaning to begin negotiations on the Cyprus Issue – Monologue by the Turkish Cypriot leader during his meeting with the UN Secretary-General

He appeared unyielding setting sovereignty equality and equal international status as a precondition for negotiations

Three successive crises and a golden opportunity

Equality and justice all around, raises in salaries and pensions, prosperity for everyone; radical improvements in the public health and education systems; modernizing the public administration; protecting the primary residences of debtors from repossession; reintroducing collective bargaining and labor agreements; bolstering small and medium-sized businesses; and helping farmers and the less p

Rd 86 pct of Romanian citizens believe women and men have equal rights (survey)

Round 86 pct of Romanian citizens believe that women and men have equal rights, according to an opinion barometer conducted in order to measure the public perception of the SDG5 Sustainable Development Goal - Gender Equality. "Nearly three quarters of respondents (73 pct) consider that gender does not matter in working relationships.

Greta Thunberg: Women Need Equality, not Congratulations

Eco-activist Greta Thunberg has announced that women are still far from equal to men in today's societies, DPA reported.

"Today is #InternationalWomensDay and we recognise that women are still far from equal to men in today's societies.", Tunberg wrote on Twitter, marking International Women's Day, which was celebrated yesterday.

When it comes to gender equality…

Abdullah Çakıroğlu, who kicked Ayşegül Terzi on a public bus because she was wearing shorts, was released in the first hearing of the trial on Oct. 26. It is not possible not to protest against this decision. In fact, anybody with a conscience reacted and voiced their protests.  

What Çakıroğlu said in his "defense" lacked all intelligence. There is no need to repeat it. 
