Social philosophy

Poverty threatening children in Greece

Greece is one of the worst countries in the European Union for a child to live in, as it appears that the youngest citizens pay the highest price for the chronic inadequacies of the state, the low quality of the education system and the health system, as well as the inability of the social protection system to really and effectively support them.

The fight over a 'dangerous' ideology shaping AI debate

Silicon Valley's favorite philosophy, long termism, has helped to frame the debate on artificial intelligence around the idea of human extinction.

But increasingly vocal critics are warning that the philosophy is dangerous, and the obsession with extinction distracts from real problems associated with AI like data theft and biased algorithms.

Lobster pasta in troubled times

I don't know if you've noticed, but lobster pasta seems to be back on the menu in many places, back in vogue. The question is whether this means that we're also back to the good old days of abundance. Growth is good for the country and its citizens. Growth generates wealth and this should be the goal.

Human Rights Watch: Bulgaria used Violence when repelling Migrants

EU member states, including Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Poland and Spain, have continued to engage in illegally turning back migrants and perpetrating violence at their borders, Human Rights Watch said in its annual report on the state of human rights around the world.

Greek State Min.: There are some incentives to reverse brain drain

There are too many problems that young people have to face in Greece, as the latter has not been a hospitable place for many decades, and that was one of the main reasons why many young people decided to leave. This was also stressed by the Minister of State, Mr Akis Skertos, speaking to ERT channel about the brain drain and how it will be reversed.

