
The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CITUB) will Protest Today

The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CITUB) will protest today, October 27, demanding higher incomes and protecting the fundamental rights of the people.

The protest will begin at 11:30 am from St. Alexander Nevsky Square and the participants will walk on the following route:

The critical moment that changed the tide in the July 15 air wars

Air Forces Secretary General Staff Colonel Veysel Kavak is talking to Brigadier General Kemal Mutlum, the head of Air Defense and Command.

VK: Do you need someone?

KM: No, we are locked up in here.

Kemal Mutlum, who is among the leading cadre of the coup attempt has locked himself up.

Greece among smartest countries in the world in science (photos)

Greeks place a great deal of importance on education and knowledge, and despite the economic crisis that has hit country since 2010 and a great brain drain, it is among the smartest countries when it comes to students graduating with science degrees. According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which tracks the college degrees.

Frozen Turkish Funding Leaves Bulgarian Imams Without Pay

Since March, funding for Bulgaria's Islamic schools, previously provided by the Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs, or Diyanet, has been blocked, forcing the Bulgarian Grand Mufti's office to freeze the salaries of hundreds of imams, Grand Mufti spokesperson Jelal Faik told BIRN on Thursday.
