
Studying Islam outside of stereotypes

In December 2016, the first graduates of the newly established program Introduction to Muslim Studies, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, sat down to study Islam, an emerging world which, in one way or another (positive or negative), we find before us and must learn to "read," away from stereotypes and prejudices.

Greece can do it

Every so often, the negative stereotypes we come to believe are true are turned on their heads. The coordinated Greek effort to fight the spread of the global coronavirus outbreak in Greece is one such instance.

It turns out that there is a public system and public officials who can faithfully follow a large-scale plan.

The mistakes of Greece's creditors

A lot has been said about the mistakes made by Greece's lenders during the bailout programs. The fact is they made many errors, including some serious ones. Meanwhile, Greek politicians were responsible for refusing to take ownership of the required reforms and failing to reach a degree of basic consensus. 

Recognizing the people of Greece

In the last decade, the people of Greece have been subjected to harsh austerity, pension cuts and more. At times they have also been the target of cruel and often unfair criticism from others who have naively chosen to refer to them as "lazy Greeks," a simplistic view that denigrates a whole country by resorting to a stereotype.