Television technology

What if @realDonaldTrump is brilliant?

History is often written by those who don't follow the rules or, rather, by those who ostentatiously throw them onto the trash heap of history. Donald Trump is one of those people, whether we like it or not. In an era where political correctness and slick public relations are the norm in politics and beyond, Trump came along with his own unique style and turned everything on its head.

Manhattan real estate market tactics

History is often written by those who don't follow the rules or, rather, by those who ostentatiously throw them onto the trash heap of history. Donald Trump is one of those people, whether we like it or not. In an era where political correctness and slick public relations are the norm in politics and beyond, Trump came along with his own unique style and turned everything on its head.

Netflix Has already Over 158 Million Subscribers Worldwide

The online video giant Netflix has already got more than 158 million subscribers worldwide, generating more than $ 5 billion in revenue in the third quarter of 2019, France Press reported.

The company's shares have risen with nearly 10 percent in e-commerce since the end of the regular New York Stock Exchange daily session.
