
Today is World AIDS Day

We are commemorating World AIDS Day in the context of a round anniversary - 40 years since the opening of the world's first AIDS case. Momchil Baev, a health management specialist, commented on this in "The Day Begins".

It is time to remember that in addition to the current covid pandemic, there is another that has taken many more lives, Baev called.

Number of casualties on Slovenian roads rises in 2021

Ljubljana – Road accidents have already killed 105 people in Slovenia this year, surpassing the numbers recorded in previous years. There were fewer accidents in 2020 due to the closures during the epidemic, but this year’s death toll exceeds even those of the previous three years, and there is still a month and a half left in 2021.

COVID-19 in Bulgaria: Here is Where you can get Vaccinated during the Weekends

Here is the list of outsourced vaccination points, where immunizations will be performed during the weekends:


The following external immunization points will be open on 13.11 (Saturday) and 14.11 (Sunday):

- Druzhba neighborhood complex, the Cultural House, with working hours 9 am - 4 pm

- The Mall, working 1pm - 6pm.
