
Crete court confirms Norwegian’s conviction for murder of wife

An appeals court in Crete has confirmed the conviction of a Norwegian man for the murder of his wife in January 2021.

The man, now aged 50, will continue to serve his life sentence for the murder, which the court unanimously ruled was premeditated and committed in a clear state of mind.

Shake-up and rebuilding

A failure in the state mechanism is usually followed by staffing changes that are mainly intended to placate public anger. The reaction to such failures, however, cannot be limited to tearing a service apart, even when this is necessary. Services and departments need to be rebuilt too.

Bulgaria: 40% Increase in Domestic Violence pre-trial proceedings compared to 2022

An avalanche of reports of domestic violence followed the news of the abuse of an 18-year-old girl in Stara Zagora, but court orders for permanent victim protection increased even earlier in the year.

This is what Zornitsa Shumanova, who heads the new unit for combating domestic violence at the National Police, told bTV:

Bulgaria: The Term "Intimate Relationship" enters Legislation - Changes to the Law on Protection from Domestic Violence

With 144 votes "in favor", the Bulgarian parliament adopted the amendments to the Law on Protection from Domestic Violence in the first reading. With them, "intimate relationship" is equated to marital partnership and cohabitation without marriage, and victims receive the same opportunities for protection.

Bulgaria: The Legal Commission adopted Changes to the Criminal Code and in the Domestic Violence Act

At an extraordinary meeting, the legal commission in the Bulgarian parliament adopted changes to the Criminal Code and the Law on Domestic Violence. Penalties for minor and moderate bodily harm are increased, and intimate relationships are equated to cases of domestic violence along with de facto conjugal cohabitation.
