Vujadin Popović

Bosnia Acquits Serb Ex-Policemen of Srebrenica Genocide Charges

The Bosnian state court found Miodrag Josipovic, Branimir Tesic, Dragomir Vasic, Danilo Zoljic and Radomir Pantic not guilty on Monday of participation in the partial extermination of Bosniaks from Srebrenica in July 1995.

"The prosecution has not proved that the defendants had the intent to commit extermination," said presiding judge Minka Kreho.

Simatović and Stanišić each sentenced to 12 years in prison for war crimes

The media reported that Stanisic and Simatovic were sentenced to 12 years in prison each.
The prosecution proved that the crimes in the indictment were confirmed. The killings and forcible transfers were carried out with discriminatory intent.
The prosecution alleges that the accused participated in the organization of the crimes that took place.

War Crime Convictions Urged for Serbian Security Officials

In an appeal hearing on Monday at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the prosecution asked for a reversal of the initial verdict on former state security officials Stanisic and Simatovic which found them not guilty of war crimes in Bosnia and Croatia during the 1990s.
