Welfare economics

The Average Monthly Income Per Person in Sofia is BGN 661

People with higher education in Sofia are twice as many as those in the country.

The average monthly income per capita in the capital is BGN 661, compared to BGN 488 in 2017.

There are a lot more young people in working age living here - 77 percent under 60 years, compared to 68 percent for the country.

In 2018, the Average Monthly Poverty Line For Bulgaria is 351.11 BGN Average Per Person

In 2018, the average monthly poverty line for the country is 351.11 BGN average per person. The number of persons who are below this line is 1 550.8 thousand representing 22.0% of the population, according to data of the National Statistical Institute. 

Analysis: How can Turkey strike the right balance in youth unemployment and immigration?

As of September 2018, youth unemployment in Turkey stands at 19.4%, a very high ratio by any standard. Youth unemployment is a very serious issue with broad consequences, ranging from the loss of young talents to a skills crisis, from social security issues to social harmony matters.

June's unemployment rate - 3.48pct, lowest in past 26 years

The unemployment rate was 3.48pct at the end of June, at the same level as in the previous month, for the second consecutive month being the lowest value of the unemployment rate in the last 26 years, according to the data released on Monday by the National Agency for Employment (ANOFM).

Compared to June of the previous year, the unemployment rate decreased by 0.69 percentage points.

Social security changes to affect Greek migrants

The planned amendment to the European Union directive on the coordination of member-states' social security systems is likely to result in reduced access to social handouts such as unemployment and housing benefits for hundreds of thousands of Greeks as well as millions of EU citizens who seek employment opportunities in another member-state.

10,000 People who Refused to Work have been Suspended from Receiving Social Benefits

7104 socially disadvantaged people have been left without aid for 2 months because they have refused to do community work without a good reason. Some more than 3000 Bulgarians have been suspended for two years because they have refused more than once. 
