
Diversity can be a national resource for competitiveness

It is cognitive diversity (diversity of knowledge, experience and perspectives) above all else that leads to higher performance and creative innovation in problem-solving and predictive tasks. This is more important than ever in an era of automation. Crucially though, diversity must walk hand in hand with inclusion.

Assessment of civil servants launched electronically to avoid reactions

The Administrative Reconstruction Ministry launched on Monday the evaluation of its public sector employees for 2017, which will be conducted electronically for the first time, in an effort to avoid attempts by unions to boycott the process.

Greece is required by the terms of its bailout program to implement the evaluation scheme for civil servants.

Spectacular Heist in Montana

A brutal robbery of nearly half a million leva was made in Montana. A fake employee took the turnover of a hypermarket at the regional center, NOVA reported.

The man entered the shop, dressed as a collector from security firm, and demanded turnover. The employees were not suspicious of him and he went out with 450,000 leva.

The search for the robber has begun.

Teachers, Medical Professionals and Journalists are the most Harassed in the Workplace

The most stress and harassment in the workplace is among the teachers, followed by medical specialists and journalists. The data was announced by the chair of the Syndicate of Bulgarian Teachers Yanka Takeva at a conference on the subject. According to trade unionists, it is necessary to create a Law on Workplace Violence.
