Weather in Chios (GR)

Weather conditions in Chios today

Weather in Chios right now

Last updated: Sat, 04/20/2024 - 08:36 (UTC+2)
  • Sat20Apr
  • Sunrise
  • scattered clouds
    UV Index: 6.67
  • 8.21 °C
    scattered clouds
  • Wind
    1.03 m/s SSW
  • Cloudiness
    scattered clouds
    40 %
  • Atmospheric
    999 hPa
    94 %
Today's UV Index in Chios is high. There is high risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure. Protection required. The level of Ultraviolet radiation can cause skin damage and sunburn. Seek shade, wear sunglasses and use SPF 30+ sunscreen, cover the body with sun protective clothing and wear a wide-brim hat.  Reduce time in the sun around solar noon (between 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM).
Toutes les dates et heures sur cette page sont exprimées en heure locale. Le décalage horaire Chios est de +2 heures du méridien de Greenwich et de +1 heures de Paris/Bruxelles.
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