Former defense minister to face prosecutor on April 8

Former Defense Minister Yiannos Papantoniou and his wife Stavroula Kourakou are expected to face a prosecutor on April 8 in connection to the alleged submission of two inaccurate source of wealth (“pothen esches”) declarations in 2009 and 2010.

The prosecution alleges that the couple omitted to include the sum of 2 million euros in their declarations. The money was traced to a Swiss bank account belonging to Kourakou.

In a written deposition submitted in December last year, the former Socialist minister alleged that the account had been set up in 2000 by his wife and her ex-husband as a trust fund to cover the expenses of her children’s studies.

Papantoniou claimed he had not been aware of the account and that in 2010, when the money was transferred to Greece, his spouse’s children took control of the cash.

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