Albania Siezes Ship With Contraband Cigarettes

The cargo ship Era-1, which was sailing from Greece for the port of Bar in Montenegro, had sought temporary shelter on May 14 from bad weather in Albania’s southern port of Vlora.

After the weather improved on Friday, the ship, which has a Tanzanian flag and a Ukrainian crew, left port without seeking permission from the port authorities, raising suspicions about its cargo.

Albanian custom officials blocked the ship from leaving Albanian territorial waters and ordered it to anchor in the port of Durres, where the cargo of  contraband cigarettes was discovered.

Police have arrested the captain of the ship, which did not have proper documentation for the cargo.

In a press conference at the port of Durres on Saturday Albania’s custom chief, Elisa Spiropali, declared the cigarettes were worth $10 million and underlined the customs office's determination to strengthen the fight against contraband and corruption.

“We are determined to continue our [fight] against smugglers and traffickers and their links with power,” she said.

Prime Minister Edi Rama also praised the work of the customs office.

“When 47 tons of cigarettes are siezed that means that the customs office cannot be bought like it was before,” Rama wrote on Twitter.

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