DIY or not, that is the question

As a foreigner, one of the first things you have probably noticed about Turkish people is that we don’t do much ourselves. We like to work with handymen instead of using our own hands to build and fix stuff. This is partly because of the culture and partly because of the fact that labor is very cheap in our country.

All in all, this situation creates all kinds of opportunities, and an amazing website called is seeking to harness the benefits of this phenomenon. is an online platform where people can request quotations from various service providers without the hassle of actually going to their store and talking to each one, one by one. You write about what you want and when you want it to be done and many handymen send their proposals to you. You can search through their profiles and see what other people who worked with them have to say about them.

The founder and the CEO of, Başak Taşpınar Değim, noticed the need for such a web-based platform when she needed many different kinds of services when she moved from the U.S. to Turkey permanently. Out of her painstaking experiences, she thought there should be an easier and more transparent way to find the best person for housework. In the end, she believed in the potential of and left her job for good. After hard work and lots of networking, she is the proud owner of an rising business that also employs her husband. It makes me proud to see female entrepreneurs doing so well in Turkey. We need more stories like hers.

However, Turkish people’s reluctance to use their hands to do housework or any type of engineering stands against a counter movement. This movement is called the "makers movement," and it started first in the U.S.

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