Designers show talent at Istanbul biennial

The 2nd Istanbul Design Biennial features more than 50 projects by designers from around the world.

The 2nd Istanbul Design Biennial, organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV), and curated by Zoë Ryan, opens on Nov. 1. The theme of this year’s edition is “The Future Is Not What It Used to Be.”

Until Dec. 14, the event will feature more than 50 projects by designers working in Australia, China, France, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Turkey and the U.S. The projects question the manifesto as a platform for situating ideas and pointing to new directions. They propose alternative manifestos in the form of household objects, fashion accessories, food, menus, maps, buildings, visual languages, systems, and services.

The biennial hub at the Galata Greek Primary School will host different events for design enthusiasts daily for six weeks. Within the scope of the biennial, the Kontraakt team’s broadcast programming will be held on Tuesdays, Q&A’s and panels on Wednesdays, film screenings on Thursdays, and Academy Program workshops on Fridays.

The biennial is free of charge.

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