Bulgarian President Plevneliev among Main Speakers at Munich Security Conference

Photo: BGNES

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev will participate in the opening of the 51st Munich Security Conference on Friday. Chairman Wolfgang Ischinger, Germany's Federal Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen and NATO Secretary General Jens Soltenberg are also going to be a part of the ceremony.

On Saturday, Mr. Plevneliev will also participate in the presidential debate at the conference on the topic of ''The Conflict in Ukraine and European Security''. This is the first time for a Bulgarian head of state to be a main speaker at the event. He will also be meeting with Munich government representatives.

The forum itself was founded in 1963 and has been known as an independent event, ''dedicated to promoting peaceful conflict resolution and international cooperation and dialogue in dealing with today's and future security challenges.''

Discussions will revolve around the various threats on European security, including the terrorist attacks in France, as well as risks for international security and stability caused by Islamic State in the East, as announced by the President's Press Office and reported by Dnevnik daily.

Participants in the conference will also discuss the crisis in Ukraine, issues on energy security and migration among others.

Meanwhile, talks among German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, and Ukraine's head of state Petro Poroshenko are to be held in Moscow on Friday regarding the rising tensions in the region.

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