Che Guevara's prophesy realized with US' Cuba decision: Columnist

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If you are among those who are depressed with whatever is going around you and if you wonder how you will overcome all of it, do not feel too down. Things that you never expect come true in this life. Recently, an official at the European Commission told me an anecdote. When the relations between the United States and Cuba started to thaw, the EU sent a delegation to Cuba. Many of the members already had good relations with the Havana regime anyway.

The delegation met with Raul Castro and the 30-minute meeting took two hours. Toward the end of the meeting, Raul told the delegation of a conversation in the beginning of the 1960s between him, his brother Fidel and Ernesto Che Guevara. Raul had asked Che something like, ?When will these Americans understand that we will do them no harm and restore their relationship with us?? Che replied, ?When a black man becomes American president or an Argentine goes to the Vatican as the Pope,? apparently meaning ?never.?

As you know, last week the U.S. removed Cuba from the list of terrorist countries. The normalization process launched in the last months of last year is continuing. And, yes, of course American President Barack Obama is black and the Pope is from Argentina. 

For this reason, do not be fixed with the decisions made by the government to make life difficult once more for those living in Istanbul with their Gezi obsession/fear/paranoia/the need to make a show. As expected, roads and traffic to Taksim were closed on the anniversary of the Gezi protests. Moreover, the saddest and funniest side of it is that none of the huge masses have any issue such as ?Let us absolutely go to Gezi this year.? 

Gezi has already been engraved onto our social conscious with those who were murdered, with...

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