AKP flirting with CHP, to marry MHP

As is said, "actions speak louder than words." Ruling Justice and development Party (AKP) has been in coalition talks with the Republican People's Party (CHP). The pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democracy Party has been shunned by all, particularly by the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). MHP itself has declared that it was not interested in becoming part of any coalition formula, particularly in any formulae or effort that covertly or overtly included the HDP.

AKP and KDP share the same grassroots. One is more Islamist, the other more nationalist, but indeed they are nothing but a bit blurred reflection of each other. One is accused of graft, the other selected someone narrowly escaped persecution from graft as parliamentary deputy speaker from its contingency. MHP has been saying Erdo?an should abandon the "clandestine palace" but unlike the CHP did not see any harm sending MHP members of the Parliamentary Speakership Council to a visit of the president at the extravagant palace.

Dear friend and colleague, Hurriyet Daily News editor Murat Yetkin in two separate articles wisely put the issue many of us have been talking about right from the June 7 election night: AKP is talking with the CHP but acting with the MHP? Is the president's HDP-bashing paving the way for an AKP-MHP coalition instead of the CHP?

Can the CHP indeed engage in any deal with the AKP for a four-year coalition government? AKP does not have any policy or principle other than what is dictated to it by its absolute master, President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, while the CHP despite all its odds has a working inner democracy and even its leader cannot win in discussions all the time and feel compelled to compromise.

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