Arrested Turkish journalist thanks FEMEN for support

Daily Cumhuriyet Editor-in-Chief Can Dündar, who was arrested along with his Ankara bureau chief Erdem Gül on Nov. 26 over a report on weapons-filled Turkish intelligence trucks bound for Syria, has penned a note in appreciation of a message of support from Ukraine-based women movement FEMEN.

FEMEN posted a picture on its Twitter account showing a naked member of the group with "Can Dündar and Erdem Gül are not alone" written on her body. 

The group later shared Dündar's thank you note, which he sent from Silivri prison near Istanbul.

"Dear FEMEN, it has relieved us to see our names on your chest, which is the most effective riot board of recent years, and read it on your hearts. I am sending our thanks and love from Silivri to your movement which is always with the oppressed. May you live long. With love," the note read.

FEMEN are honored to recieve a letter from Can Dündar, one of the two jailed journalists of

? FEMEN Turkey (@FEMEN_Turkey) 8 Aral?k 2015

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