Mediana Agency: BSP's Candidate Radev Gains Momentum


The distance between the candidates for president of GERB and BSP is closing. 31.4 % of voters would vote for Tsetska Tsacheva, while 27% would vote for Rumen Radev, showed a nationally representative survey of Mediana agency.

According to the survey, voter activity is expected to be high. Probably, 3.8 - 4 million voters will participate in the elections. The expectations for formal, apathetic elections with a predetermined winner have not been confirmed.

Rumen Radev is gaining momentum - he has won 4% more supporters within 20 days.

The number of potential voters for Krasimir Karakachanov, Veselin Mareshki and Plamen Oresharski has also increased.

Tsacheva has achieved maximum consolidation of GERB supporters but her appeal is limited to that particular electorate.


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