Hard language from the Greek government, instead of hard evidence…

The Greek government has chosen to attack “Proto Thema” for a second time in a row, over our exclusive report in the Saturday edition of our newspaper.


Our headline news report brought forward evidence regarding the hiring of 27.000 new public servants with blurry procedures in the last year alone, when at the same time they demand unbelievable economic sacrifices from the Greek people!


The government chose to answer with an insulting “non paper”. However, they failed to include any evidence or counter argument regarding the details of the revelations of our news report.


In the “non paper” the government uses the word “puddle” to describe our newspaper’s main headline, as they think it is “immoral” and “corrupt”.


For the government, political parties of the opposition are suppling with false reports media that “feed from the puddle” in a tactic described as “we give you the ‘report’, you turn it into a headline and then I denounce the government”.


In the “non paper” the government accuses ‘Proto Thema’ of “operating as New Democracy’s [main opposition political party] ‘Press Office’”.


According to the government, the 27.000 people hired are doctors and healthcare professionals, which is something that “bothers” the leader of the opposition party, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, but he doesn’t want to admit it to the Greek people, letting ‘Proto Thema’ “do the dirty job”.


The newspaper answered immediately with a statement, denouncing the fact that the government and Alexis Tsipras are “hiding behind the Prime Minister’s Press Office” in order to launch vulgar attacks against ‘Proto Thema’.


The statement is mentioning all the government attacks against our newspaper, starting from the government’s New Year’s Eve defamation attempt, after our revelations regarding the illegal election of Olga Gerovasili due to a legal incompatibility.


The latest episode is the “non paper” where the government instead of providing proofs and counter arguments against the detailed information presented in our exclusive report, they prefer to use insulting language against the our journalists, apparently being envious of Maduro’s tactics against the media.


In the statement our newspaper underlines the fact that all data presented in our journalist’s report are drawn from ELSTAT, the official authority on the country’s statistical data.
Our journalist Gregory Tziovara released a personal answer regarding the information and data of our newspaper’s headline article, as he signs this exclusive report.


In his answer he states that he is not surprised with the propaganda tactics of the government and he moves analyzing the sources of his article in detail, thus proving that his data come from internationally recognized independent organizations as well as official state administrations.
He closes his answer challenging the government to release any proofs or data they think are appropriate from their defense, so that the public will be able to see for themselves who really is “in the puddle” afflicting the people of this country.

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