Risk of Political Control Over Media in Bulgaria is 79%

An independent study, presented in the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, has identified Bulgaria together with Greece, Hungary and Italy as a country at risk of concentration of media ownership and political control over editorial policy, reported bTV.

According to the authors of the study, the risk of political control over media in Bulgaria is 79%.

The survey, which presents data for 2016, is co-funded by the EU includes EU member states as well as several other Balkan countries.

In an expert discussion with representatives of professional organizations, higher education institutions and the non-governmental sector, they outline the overall picture of the media market in Bulgaria, where hate speech is becoming more prevalent in yellow newspapers, sites, political party televisions and social networks, and journalism often is becoming an instrument of polarization of society.

Specific examples such as party-owned TV channels Alfa and Skat are pointed out, as well as official data about 6 newspapers owen by MP Delyan Peevski. 

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