Decreased Air Pollution in Bulgaria, but Still far from the Standards of Cleanliness

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Although air pollution in Bulgaria has declined since 2011, our country is still far from the eco-standards, especially in terms of fine particals matter, which is why it was condemned by the European Commission, reports Mediapool. 

In order to improve things, municipalities need to apply more active measures for the protection of the air, said Environment Minister Neno Dimov during a joint meeting of the parliamentary commissions for environment and water and health on Wednesday. Data from the air quality measurements in 2016 show that there are already municipalities with air quality requirements. These are Devnia, Dobrich, Pirdop and Sliven.

"This is a positive trend, provided that until recently Bulgaria did not report to the EC any municipality in accordance with the requirements, the problem should be clearly addressed by the local authorities to take measures to reduce pollution," Dimov said. Air quality will be a priority topic for the Bulgarian EU Presidency, as 15 more countries are faced with air quality penalties. "Dimov reminded that following the judicial decision against Bulgaria for exceeded levels of fine particals matter municipalities are working on identifying appropriate measures to reduce pollution.

World Bank representative in Sofia Tony Thompson said that for Bulgaria in WB reports, it is reported to be the country with the highest levels of airborne air pollution, as well as the highest level of premature death due to polluted air. According to the forecasts cited by him until 2030, if no adequate measures are taken, some of the most heavily polluted urban centers in Europe will be in Bulgaria. Thompson pointed out that the interest and commitment among the Bulgarian society should be raised.

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