Police tie suspect's DNA to bomb, find new hideout

Police said that they have matched the DNA of a 29-year-old man accused of sending several letter bombs to foreign and Greek targets to DNA found on remnants of a device that exploded in the hands of former prime minister Lucas Papademos in May and on similar devices intercepted by police at a Hellenic Post sorting center near Athens in March. 

Meanwhile, a police investigation has revealed that the suspect, who has been identified as Constantinos Giagtzoglou, had rented a second hideout in the downtown Athens neighborhood of Exarchia, sources said. 

It is thought that the 29-year-old, who was arrested leaving another apartment near central Athens on Saturday, had been planning to move the bags full of guns and explosives that he had been carrying when stopped by counterterrorism officers to the new apartment. 

Investigators also think it is likely, sources said,...

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