ND's line on FYROM talks was drawn at 2008 NATO Summit, says leader

New Democracy will maintain the same policy line over ongoing talks with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) the conservative party drew when in government at a 2008 NATO Summit, where Athens vetoed its neighbor's bid for accession into the alliance pending a resolution on the longstanding name dispute, the conservative leader said on Tuesday.

Speaking to party officials in Athens, Kyriakos Mitsotakis addressed a series of key policy issues, including a fresh effort launched by the United Nations last month to resolve a decades-long row between Greece and FYROM over the latter's name. He accused the leftist-led government of "choosing to conduct talks in secret," and Defense Minister Panos Kammenos, who leads the junior party in the coalition government, of efforts to hold onto his post.

The conservative leader was referring to an apparent rift in the...

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