Mitsotakis: ND will challenge government's debt relief narrative in parliament

New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Friday his party will table  a proposal for a parliamentary debate on the economy, noting that the debt deal achieved by the government at the Eurogroup is worse than what the country was expecting to get.

"Mr [Alexis] Tsipras will apologize for all the suffering he brought to the citizens, but also for the 'shackles' he has imposed on the country for the day after [the program]. We will not let his latest lie go unchallenged," he said in a written statement.

Mitsotakis said the debt relief package the government secured is very far, not just from the expactations Tsipras had cultivated, but also from the commitments Greece had received from its creditors in 2012.

"We will not allow the unscrupulous propaganda of SYRIZA and ANEL to hide their devastating choices with fiestas and new lies," he added.  

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