Residents want market removed due to fire concerns

Residents in the central Athens suburb of Metz are reportedly demanding the removal of the weekly open-air "laiki" market due to fire safety concerns.

Residents claim that the market's operation on Archimidous Street every Friday blocks fire truck access to the pine-clad Ardittos Hill surrounding the historic Panathenaic Stadium.

Activists are also citing a fire safety report drafted in 2015, which was seen by Kathimerini and stressed that "it is impossible for fire trucks to access [the hill] if the open-air market is operating, a particular risk in the summer."

For this reason residents are requesting that the market is transferred elsewhere during the period stretching from June to October.

The market had been held on Archimidous Street only during the winter months for several years, but a municipal community meeting in October 2015 ruled...

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