Poll gives ND 11 percent lead over ruling SYRIZA

A new public opinion poll gives New Democracy an 11 percent lead over ruling SYRIZA, with 29.9 percent of respondents saying they would vote for the conservative party if elections were held now, against 19 percent who voiced support for the incumbent leftists.

According to the Marc poll that was published by Proto Thema newspaper, neofascist Golden Dawn would get 6.9 percent, the center-left Movement for Change collective would get 6.4 percent, while the Greek Communist Party would receive 6 percent.

Independent Greeks, the coalition government's junior partner, would not make it into Parliament if elections were held now, according to the poll, as only 1.2 percent of respondents would vote for the nationalist populist party led by Defense Minister Panos Kammenos.

According to the same poll, 78 percent of respondents said the government was responsible...

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