Valeri Simeonov rejected the requests to resign From His Post as Deputy PM


Deputy Prime Minister Valeri Simeonov declared as inadequate the requests for his resignation in connection with the action and detained employees of the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad. That's how he responded to the calls, made by the Bulgarian Socialist Paty (BSP), Movement for Rights and Freedoms and Political Party ''Volya'' ("Will")  to resign from his post, in a statement to journalists at the Council of Ministers, reported bTV. 

The Deputy Prime Minister stressed that he did not manage or control the State Agency for Security and Defense, pointing out that he did not have such functions. 

''I dare to say that I am strictly, precisely and efficiently fulfilling my obligations to coordinate the work of this Agency so far'', said the Deputy Prime Minister.

"I have fulfilled my obligations with regard to the State Agency for Refugees," added Valeri Simeonov.

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