#Romania2019.eu/Ambassador Ramis says Sibiu Summit is important for EU and it will define Europe's future

France's Ambassador Michele Ramis stated on Thursday in Sibiu that the Summit in May is important for the European Union because the future of Europe will be defined and, for Romania, it represents a reason of pride and a honor to organise this event in a city that was an European Capital of Culture in 2007. "This summit is firstly very important for Europe because we will define the future of Europe. We are in a key-period of the European Union, a state will withdraw from the EU, namely the UK, the European elections will be held at the end of May. The EU finds itself at a moment of challenge both from within and outside. For the European Union, the Summit in Sibiu is important and, for Romania, it's a moment to be proud that 27 countries are to be represented in Romania and Sibiu. It is the first Presidency that Romania is holding at the European Union. It is a pride and honor for Romania to organise such a summit here, in Sibiu, a city which also the European Capital of Culture," Michele Ramis mentioned. France's Ambassador to Romania paid a visit on Thursday to the "Radu Selejan" School, in the city of Sibiu, where an intensive classroom of French language is to be set up in autumn. On 9 May, Sibiu will be, for a day, the political capital of the European Union, a place where the EU heads of state and government will meet. The Summit will be held in the building of the Sibiu City Hall of the Great Square and President Klaus Iohannis will carry out talks with his guests precisely in the bureau that he worked in back when he was holding the mayor office, current Mayor of Sibiu Astrid Fodor has recently mentioned. According to the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE), the Summit of 9 May, dedicated to the future of the European Union and the future 2019-2024 leaders' Strategic Agenda will gather in Sibiu 27 heads of state and government, 36 official delegations, 400 high-ranking guests, about 900 journalists and 100 translators. AGERPRES (RO - author: Isabela Paulescu, editor: Antonia Nita; EN - author: Rodica State, editor: Adina Panaitescu)

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