Four parties express interest in creating a second Thriasio transit center

Cosco-owned Piraeus Europe Asia Rail Logistics (PEARL), Goldair, and the consortiums of Damco and the FDL Group, and Italian-owned Trainose and Sarmed have expressed interest in the concession of the 1.45-square kilometer plot in the Thriasio area by Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE) for the development of a new transit center.

This is the tender for the "Thriasio II" center, which is next to the 0.6 "Thriasio I" plot, conceded to the ETBA VIPE - Goldair consortium.

March 31 is the deadline Brussels has set for the concession of the plot and if that is missed Greece will have to return 235 million euros of EU subsidies for the center's development.

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