Week in Review: High Stakes Amid Divisive Games

Moment of Truth

Zoran Zaev, until recently the Prime Minister of North Macedonia and leader of the ruling SDSM, faces his moment of truth on April 12th as Macedonian voters are set to go to the polls to pass judgement on his government. While having achieved a great deal in the foreign policy realm, his government has disappointed expectations on the domestic front.

Yet it is precisely on the domestic front that the SDSM's supporters were most hopeful for change. Although there was some small progress on the economic front, it was a far cry from what was hoped, or promised. When it comes to improving the rule of law, fighting corruption and prosecuting the abuses of the formerly ruling VMRO-DPMNE, Zaev's supporters perhaps feel most let down. No surprise that to many in North Macedonia, the outcome of the elections seems too close to call.

Read more: Zaev Faces Judgment Day in North Macedonia Election (February 25, 2020)

Heating Up

Radmila Shekerinska. Photo: morm.gov.mk

The race for the Macedonian Parliament is heating up. Parliament has now been dissolved and eyes are increasingly focused on April 12th, polling day, as the two main parties - the ruling SDSM and the opposition VMRO-DPMNE - appear tied neck and neck and even a small number of votes could make a large difference to the election outcome and, most importantly, who will form the next government.

As the election approaches, we talk to Defence Minister Radmila Shekerinska on the SDSM government's record in power. Shekerinska warns voters against allowing the clock to be turned back by allowing the VMRO-DPMNE to return to power, suggesting that doing so would risk another lost decade for North Macedonia. While flagging up the Zaev government's foreign...

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