Anghel Saligny national investment programme to span minimum 6 years, cost 50 billion RON

The government discussed on Wednesday's sitting, in a first reading, the Anghel Saligny National Investment Programme, which will have a 50 billion RON (rd 10 billion euro) budget and will span at least 6 years, Prime Minister Florin Citu announced. "Today, we had in the first reading a draft emergency ordinance for the approval of the Anghel Saligny National Investment Programme, an investment program for local authorities through which we will be able to implement asphalt roads, sewerage and water supply, which will have a budget of 50 billion lei and will span a minimum of 6 years,"said Citu, in a press conference, at the Victoria Palace. He argued that this programme is necessary because it is "inadmissible" to have localities with unpaved roads, without sewage or drinking water. "There are basic things we could have had in Romania by now. (...) We will do them in this mandate," the prime minister said.AGERPRES(RO - author: Daniel Florea, editor: Claudia Stanescu; EN - editor: Maria Voican)

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