Weather in Bulgaria: Cloudy with Max. Temp. Between 17°-22°C

Today the clouds will remain significant, in some places mainly in the valleys and lowlands the visibility will be reduced. This was announced for FOCUS News Agency by the weather forecaster on duty Boryana Markova from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH).

In the afternoon from the west the clouds will break, in places in Western Bulgaria - it will be mostly sunny. The wind will be light, in Eastern Bulgaria - to moderate wind from south-southeast. Maximum temperatures will be between 17° and 22° Celsius. The atmospheric pressure will decrease and will be close to the average for the month.

Over the Black Sea coast the clouds will be significant. A light to moderate southeast wind will blow. Maximum temperatures will be 17° -20°C. The temperature of the sea water will be 15°-16°C. The sea wave will be about 2 points.

It will be mostly cloudy over the mountains and it will rain in some places. In the afternoon from the west the clouds will temporarily break. It will blow to a moderate southwest wind. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters will be about 18°C, at 2000 meters - about 12°C.


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