Zakharova publishes evidence of broken NATO promise; Civilians killed VIDEO

Information is coming from Lugansk that two more civilians were killed in last night's shelling. The United States believes that Vladimir Putin has broken through and plans to invade his neighbor.
Zelensky and his government honestly do not believe that Russia will attack.
Western intelligence services warn that Russian commanders have been ordered to attack Ukraine.
Putin convened a session of the National Security Council for today.

🇷🇺⚡️Putin will convene a meeting of the Security Council today.

— Ukraine War Report (@UkrWarReport) February 21, 2022

Zakharova published proof: NATO broke its promises

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova rebuked NATO because the previously stated intentions were not in line with the policy pursued by the Alliance. Zakharova published an article in the Telegram on the German media "Ard" and "Spiegel", in which on February 2, 1990, the then German Vice Chancellor Hans-Dietrich Genscher and U.S. Secretary of State James Becker said that NATO had no intention of expanding its defense zone to the East. "This does not only apply to East Germany, but in general."

Joseph Borrell spoke about the situation in Ukraine

#BREAKING: #Belarus is considering allowing #Russia to deploy nuclear missiles on its territory: @nytimes Al-Arabiya

— Arab News (@arabnews) February 21, 2022

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