Willis’s declining health ‘evident for some time’

The announcement that Bruce Willis was stepping back from acting because of cognitive difficulties came as no surprise to people who have worked with the action hero, reports said.

Family this week revealed the star of the "Die Hard" franchise has been diagnosed with aphasia, a disorder that affects the use and understanding of language.
Filmmakers who have collaborated with 67-year-old Willis told the Los Angeles Times that his decline has been apparent for some time.

Some of those the paper spoke to described upsetting moments on set where the "Unbreakable" actor appeared not to be fully aware of his surroundings, and would have trouble with his lines, even as producers ordered the script to be shortened to accommodate him.
Director Mike Burns, who helmed "Out of Death," one of 22 films Willis has made in four years, said he quickly saw that the "Moonlighting" star was having problems.
"After the first day of working with Bruce, I could see it firsthand and I realized that there was a bigger issue at stake here and why I had been asked to shorten his lines," Burns said, according to the Times.
Jesse Johnson, director of low-budget film "White Elephant," said the Willis he met when shooting started last year was a different person from the man he had worked with decades earlier.
"It was clear that he was not the Bruce I remembered," Johnson said.

The Times reported that crew members on the film recalled Willis saying: "I know why you're here, and I know why you're here, but why am I here?"
"After our experience on 'White Elephant,' it was decided as a team that we would not do another," Johnson said, of being approached to collaborate with Willis on another movie.
"We are all Bruce Willis fans, and the arrangement...

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