Istanbul named among world’s best cities in 2022

A U.K.-based culture magazine has picked the world's best 53 cities, ranking Türkiye's largest city Istanbul in the list.

Out of the 53 ranked cities chosen by the Time Out magazine, Edinburgh made it to the top of the list and was followed by Chicago and Medellin, while Istanbul was listed 50th.

"It didn't take long for Istanbul to get rid of the COVID-19 melancholy and return to its energetic self as always," the magazine said, noting that the opening of Galataport was one of the most important events in the city this year.

The magazine also noted that Istanbul once again revealed its unique cultural life with opera, theatre, concert and film screenings of Atatürk Cultural Center, one of the metropolis' iconic art centers, while the 17th Istanbul Biennial and numerous major musical events stood out.

The metropolis was praised by 97 percent of its locals for never being boring, while the variety offered by the historic city were also lauded.

Some 82 percent said it was great for food and drink and 83 percent thought it was diverse.

"As always, the city's culinary scene is brimming with surprises, notably thanks to a recent influx of refugees from Syria and Iran. The launch of the city's first Michelin guide also generated a wave of excitement within the industry," it added.

Edinburgh has managed to become the best city in the world this year with its landmarks, architecture, scenic spots that make it one of the most beautiful cities to explore on foot, and an ever-evolving food and beverage industry," the magazine said.

Glasgow, Amsterdam and Prague were also at the top of the list.

The 2022 World's Best Cities Index was put together based on answers across every category in the poll, along with...

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