It started? 40,000 soldiers and combat aviation deployed

Vladimir Rogov, a member of the main council of the military-civilian administration of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast, told Sputnik that these are Soviet fighters and helicopters, which the countries of the former Warsaw Pact handed over to Ukraine, as well as a part that the Americans withdrew from Afghanistan.
The text recalls that since mid-February, the authorities of the Zaporizhzhia region have registered that Ukrainian forces are concentrating units and building fortifications on their borders.
The number of soldiers reached 40,000.
As Rogov explained, Kyiv wants to reach the Sea of Azov and cut the land corridor to Crimea.
According to him, the offensive could begin as soon as the trees leaf out, at the end of March or the beginning of April, but the region, which has been part of Russia since September 2022, is ready to respond to the attack.
Western media have repeatedly stated, citing their own information, as well as the opinions of analysts, that Kyiv is preparing for a major counter-offensive.

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