Progressive gov’t may depend on KKE or MeRA25 support, Tsipras says

[File photo, InTime News]

In the event that a "progressive convergence" was 10-15 seats short of a parliamentary majority after the coming elections, the Communist KKE and Yanis Varoufakis' MeRA25 would be faced with the decision to support such a government or pave the way for the New Democracy to return to power, SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras has said.

The main opposition leader said that he is seeking a strong mandate to form a progressive coalition government on the basis of his party's program for the recovery of the economy and for supporting society.

Speaking at the Delphi Forum, Tsipras claimed that New Democracy "appears to be a brotherless party," which appeared to be "not so much unwilling as unable" to cooperate with other political parties.

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