Unofficial Project-Government that "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" would Propose with the Second Term

In the project-government that "We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria" (WCC-DB) would propose with the second term, Kiril Petkov (initially named as deputy prime minister with the Schengen and Eurozone portfolio) drops out, but Asen Vassilev remains the proposed minister of finance.

In the list of nominations of the new coalition for ministers, cadres of "We Continue the Change" predominate, and prominent representatives from its coalition partners from "Democratic Bulgaria" ("Yes, Bulgaria", DSB, "Green Movement") are absent. However, there are two "borrowed" from the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and "There Is Such a People" (TISP).

Candidate ministers from the recognizable faces of "Democratic Bulgaria", according to information from Bulgarian media "Dnevnik", are absent because the parties in this part of the union believe that the coalition should propose an expert government, without the participation of political leaders.

This is how the draft cabinet composition of the new coalition, with which "Dnevnik" has sources from the negotiators, can be summarized. According to unofficial information, the discussions on it continued until late in the early hours of May 2, until then no decisions were made on who would be deputy prime ministers and changes were not ruled out until the last moment.

Kiril Petkov has refused to run again for the executive power in the last hours, according to unofficial information from a source from the coalition.

The preliminary presentation of the ministers of "We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria" (even before the first mandate of GERB-SDS was handed over) came about after Boyko Borissov asked at a leadership meeting to see the nominations of the new coalition in order to assess...

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