Tsipras: election offers a stark choice

SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras claimed in his interview to the major TV outlets Sunday that conservative New Democracy wants to amplify its May 21 victory in the new election on June 25 to install an "unaccountable regime" with a weak, splintered opposition and says the upcomingpolls represent a stark choice between two vastly different government programs.

On May 21,SYRIZA won 20.07% of votes,  almost 11.5 points below its 2019 result (31.53%), while New Democracy slightly increased its share of the vote from 39.85% to 40.79% where the country lurched from crisis to crisis, althoughthese were mostly international ones.

While five parties cleared the 3% threshold that ensures parliamentary representation on May 21, recent opinion polls show that at least seven, and maybe 8, will make it on June 25. While this will reduce the number of seats New Democracy will win, it...

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