Belarus deal to take in Prigozhin puts him in an even more repressive nation

Russian mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin was notorious for unbridled and profane challenges to authority even before the attempted rebellion that he mounted Saturday. The reported agreement for him to go into exile in Belarus would place him in a country where such behavior is even less acceptable than in his homeland.

Prigozhin on Sunday was uncharacteristically silent as his Wagner private army forces pulled back from Russian cities after a Kremlin announcement that he agreed to depart for Belarus; it remains unclear whether he's actually there.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko reportedly negotiated the deal. But Prigozhin's maverick ways are at odds with Lukashenko's harsh repression of dissent and independent media. In power since 1994, the leader often called "Europe's last dictator" launched a brutal crackdown on 2020 protests against his rule; hundreds were sentenced to lengthy prison terms, including Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ales Bialiatski.

Under Lukashenko, Belarus became almost umbilically tied to neighboring Russia, agreeing to form a still-in-progress "union state." Although Belarus' army is not known to have taken part in Russia's war on Ukraine, the country allows Russia to base troops there that have fought in Ukraine and made a deal this year for deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons. Lukashenko is a vehement ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Prigozhin's stance toward the Kremlin leader is murkier. Even as his fighters moved swiftly toward Moscow on Saturday, Prigozhin did not criticize Putin directly and instead claimed his aim was to oust the Russian defense establishment which he has denounced as corrupt and incompetent, complaining that it undermined his forces fighting in Ukraine.

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