ND criticizes Velopoulos for spreading ‘fake news’

Ruling New Democracy has accused Kyriakos Velopoulos, the leader of the populist nationalist Greek Solution party, of disseminating "fake news" concerning Greece's border fence intended to prevent illegal migration along the Evros border with Turkey.

On Wednesday, Velopoulos shared a video on the X platform, previously known as Twitter, purportedly depicting undocumented migrants scaling the fence to cross into Greece.

"Mr Velopoulos is embracing and propagating false information regarding the Evros border fence, while engaging in political opposition against our nation! He is showcasing videos from the Bulgarian-Turkish frontier on his social media, accompanied by critical comments about the Evros fence, falsely presenting it as originating from the Greek-Turkish border," New Democracy said in a statement on Thursday.

"Once again, Mr Velopoulos demonstrates...

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