War - Day 659: Russians attack Kyiv; Ukrainians are retreating?

Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Norway unannounced and stated that during his two-day visit to the United States of America, on December 11 and 12, he received a positive signal regarding further support for Ukraine.
"We expect that the US Congress will soon adopt a key decision to continue vital support to Ukraine," Zelensky said.

Russian attack on the Kyiv region, no casualties or damage

The authorities of the Kyiv region announced that there were no casualties or damage to key and civilian infrastructure, following the Russian missile attack that was carried out in the afternoon.
A Reuters correspondent heard the sound of explosions near the Ukrainian capital earlier today, after the air force warned of a Russian missile threat.
"The air alert signal has been issued four times today. The enemy is not stopping and is attacking the Kyiv region with rockets," regional governor Ruslan Kravchenko wrote on the Telegram messaging app.

Ukrainians are retreating?

Videos taken by Ukrainian soldiers have been published on the Internet, where you can see the process of the withdrawal of a small group of surviving soldiers from the left bank of the Dnieper.
Soldiers leaving the left bank of the Dnieper River, which has become a mass grave for soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, do not hide their joy, thanking the "rescuers" who came to pick them up by motorboat, and also say that they are going "home, to the right bank''.

RT @velitesgear | Full Text Article: https://t.co/4gFC8t3OtT | Author: @bgmilitary Russia installed trench ceilings in Ukraine to hide troop movements
Photos reveal significant structural modifications to Russian trenches. These changes, characterized by the inclusion...

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