It’s not just Aegina and Crete

On the one hand, the government repeats it is pushing for "innovation, extroversion, modernization," but, on the other hand, in the bowels of the shadowy deep state, some illegible "interests" are following a reverse course. On Friday, serious acts of infrastructure sabotage were made public that had affected two Greek islands, Aegina and Crete. The second, identified by power grid operator ADMIE, targeted the project linking Crete and mainland Attica via undersea cables, "with the goal of stopping all works on site."

The other sabotage took place off Aegina. For the fourth time in recent years, unknown individuals damaged the island's undersea water supply pipeline. For decades, Aegina had to depend on water tankers that carried non-potable water. Those who have a connection to the island know first-hand the nightmare of water supply interruptions in the summer and water...

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